
19 ottobre 2016

Questa mattina #RandyHarrison era negli studi della Fox9 per un'intervista con Jason Matheson in "The Jason Show".
Jason ha postato una foto in compagnia di Randy sul suo Twitter ufficiale.

E abbiamo anche altre foto dal party di ieri sera al Saloon, grazie ad alcuni amici che ci hanno permesso di postarle sul nostro sito!

Da Christina Jackson

Da Crystal Belle

Da Johnny Azalia Gonzales

From Nina DiAngelo

Grazie di cuore gente!

Posted by Felicity

by Arjay @ 03 Feb 2017 02:27 pm

You are absolutely correct. The Republican party is obsessed with not killing babies, freedom and the ability to keep what you earned from those who would take it from you. So yes if I were you I would join a third party and thus fragment the only party that has a chance to fight against the Maio/stisxcialrst Democrat party. Yes play the useful idiot and join a third party. What could go wrong???????
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