
23 giugno 2016

E abbiamo anche una foto di #RandyHarrison con Tommy T. Sucaravetsiri , scattata ieri sera dopo lo spettacolo a San Francisco.
Grazie di cuore Tommy per aver condiviso la foto con noi!

Posted by Felicity

by Karson @ 04 Feb 2017 03:58 am

Now we know who the selibsne one is here. Great post!
by Janelle @ 03 Feb 2017 12:10 pm

ode to top shop.dearest top shop.you make my heart beat wild.never in my world had I seen quite like you.your sparkly flats and knockoff heltn.someehisg is quite lovely when i hear your name uttered.okay lame. but, really, Odes arent supposed to rhyme, right?
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