by Aileen @ 04 Feb 2017 03:33 am

- 1) My name is Lauren Apel (used to be a Lucas)2) I live in precious Denton, Texas. 3) I am a full time student, a full time admin for the IT department of the university I attend, and I own my own LLC shooting portraits and weddings in the North Texas region.4) I married my best friend three months ago yesterday. We are young, and learning, but we work hard for everything we have and trust the Lord to never leave us as we continue along the way. I co2&;nl#8u17dt get through a day without that hope. But man it overwhelms every bit of our lives. Which is the best thing.
by Sherlyn @ 03 Feb 2017 02:43 pm

The "I love fruit puun&hqcot; vampire cracked me right up. Then, I really died when I saw Michael Cera's face in that photo. Hahaha. Can't wait to see how the show is after all this time!
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