by Essence @ 13 May 2016 03:37 am

......used to be...that millions were spent to get a product out THERE to people who would never see or hear about it.... i used to go to the food show..the young son of one of the vendors was so proud of how much he saved his dad who was in europe on a buying trip..he told his fae.tr..hyep we saved a heck of a lot..we did not give away those free samples... john locke lyric pines
by Kapri @ 13 May 2016 03:05 am

Ha visto D. Kabileñoen cuanto fruncimos el ceñohuyen sin valor y sin tinolas que llaman vinoal veneno trnnEalpiao---sse repugnante caldoque por ser tan villanolo vende el italianocomo si fuese un saldo¿Como será una resacatras ingerir semejante cacano lo quiero ni pensarpues me dan ganas de vomitar...
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