
Hi! So... here's a little update! We have an article written by the great Larry Murray... Sorry, I had missed it!!! Click HERE to read it

On July 1st, 2011 Randy released a radio interview to WAMC (we had posted a picture). Joe asks Randy and James Barry about their work at the Berkshire theatre festival in the Who's production of "Tommy". Click HERE to download it. (Source: WAMC ).
Here is a picture:

Bigger version HERE.

And one more picture from Tommy's rehearsal

Bigger version HERE.
Thank you, Trish (Toto) for everything!!!

Posted by Sunshine
by Man @ 19 Feb 2015 10:16 pm

Speaking of Twinkies, in the year since I wrote a book about ingredients, it seems that almsot every person who speaks to me about the book has to start by confessing to have loved Twinkies as a kid! Then almsot conspiratorily they add notes about a secret fondness for Cupcakes. THere is a reason why they sell 500 million of these cakes each year, right?Fashion or not, Twinkies endure. With a little help from polysorbate 60.Steve Ettlinger
by Babylon @ 06 Jul 2011 08:58 am

Hi! This is all so wonderful. Thank you so much. Randy is an amazing man. I adore him.
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