
Hello everyone! I’ve archived April news and you can now read them clicking HERE

I would like to thank Trio and Louise for writing me about a few videos on “Notes on a Scandal” the reading that took place on April 29th, 2010 at the Cornelia Street Cafè. To see them all, click HERE

Randy’s voice is wonderful, not at all monotone like I heard someone say recently. He’s very versatile! He’s always able to adapt it perfectly to the character he’s playing therefore it’s always different. This, in my opinion, means being a wondeful actor and I admire him greatly.

Some time ago, I started working on the screencaps section for the website about Queer as Folk. I wanted to wait before opening it because I wanted it to be complete, but I realized that making screencaps is a very long process – especially since I always make a lot of them – so in the end I decided to put online the ones I already had.

The section has two parts, one for the whole episodes of each season, and the other for Brian&Justin. The only two seasons I still wasn’t able to screencap are the first one (for which you’ll find just the first three episodes but only for the Brian&Justin part) and the fourth, the latest because unfortunately the DVD quality is not great and I’m forced to use a different method to screencap… one that takes up a lot more time, obviously…

If you have a particular request about the episodes that are still missing from the galleries, write to me and I promise those will have priority!

I hope you’ll enjoy! queer as folk e Brian & Justin

Posted by Chicca
by Babylon @ 02 May 2010 02:37 pm

Randys voice is not really monotonous and I admire him for his theatrical talent. He is great.
by Babylon @ 02 May 2010 02:21 pm

Thank you for the post. And Randy's voice is wonderful and he is a great actor. I love him. smile

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